Music Video


The choir's singing carols
Bells are ringing, streets are bright
It's Christmas all around me
So why is Christmas hard to find
December snow is falling down
Like I am to my knees
I could use some hope right now
Cause right now hope is hard to see

Help me still believe

For God so loved this broken world
He sent His only son
To a carpenter and a teenage girl
To show us all His love
He left His home in heaven
To make heaven my home
My Emmanuel is with me
And I'll never be alone
Down here my heart can't find much to believe in
But I still believe in Christmas

I still believe in healing
For the weary and the hurt
And in a world that's so divided
I still believe in peace on earth
I still believe that love is strong enough
To conquer hate
And in a world that won't believe it
I still believe enough to say

For God so loved this broken world
He sent His only son
To a carpenter and a teenage girl
To show us all His love
He left His home in heaven
To make heaven my home
My Emmanuel is with me
And I'll never be alone
Down here my heart can't find much to believe in
But I still believe in Christmas
I still believe in Christmas

I still believe in Jesus
The name above all names
A Savior in a manger
And a star that leads the way
Help us all believe

For God so loved this broken world
He sent His only son
To a carpenter and a teenage girl
To show us all His love
He left His home in heaven
To make heaven my home
My Emmanuel is with me
And I'll never be alone
Down here my heart can't find much to believe in
But I still believe in Christmas
I still believe in Christmas

Writer(s): Jeffrey Thomas Pardo, Matthew West, Anne Wilson

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