As a KLRC Ministry Partner, you will receive on-air acknowledgements for your support of this radio ministry. We want to let our loyal listening audience know that your business is furthering this ministry! We will record a :15 second announcement that identifies your church or business as a KLRC Ministry Partner. The announcement may reference some basic information about your organization, including a phone number, address, or website. The number of announcements is dependent on the level of your financial support of KLRC.
Excellent question! In the strictest sense of the definition, you are not buying advertising. However, there's no denying that repeated on-air announcements identifying your business as a KLRC Ministry Partner increases awareness and brand loyalty for your organization. We are often told by businesses that they see better results with KLRC due to the fact that we don't allow all the standard advertising gimmicks, including screaming car commercials, "mention this ad and get free...", etc.
Listeners don't want to be insulted. Unfortunately, that's exactly what traditional advertising often does. We're a non-commercially licensed radio station with the Federal Communications Commission, so you will never hear pricing information, calls to action, comparative claims, etc. on any of our Ministry Partner announcements. Not only is it the law, we find that it's how listeners prefer to be treated.
Absolutely. Give us a call at 479-549-5197! We have access to all the latest Nielsen ratings numbers and statistics. We can quote you the exact same figures and statistics that commercial stations can when it comes to who is listening to our radio station.
We can also give you two assurances the commercial stations cannot. First, because KLRC is primarily a listener-supported station, our listeners are more likely to support businesses that support KLRC. It's a family. You are truly a partner with us in providing Northwest Arkansas with great, Positive, family-friendly radio. Second, when you become a Ministry Partner, you are not only receiving recognition for your business. You are investing in the eternal. We hear life-change stories all the time about how God has used the music or words spoken on KLRC to positive impact someone's life. You help make that possible when you become a KLRC Ministry Partner.
When your sponsorship runs on KLRC, listeners see it as an endorsement for your business from KLRC. There's a deep trust between KLRC listeners and our radio station – and that's something we work every day to protect. You should know that we're very selective in accepting new business Ministry Partners. Your business must have a proven track record of taking the best possible care of your customers or clients. In short, we require that your business practice Matthew 7:12 without exception: "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."
Contact Malachi Crane, our Director of Business Relations. You can contact Malachi at 479-549-5197 or send an e-mail via our contact page. Whether you are interested in a short-term or long-term relationship with KLRC, we can't wait to tell you more about our Ministry Partner program for businesses, churches, and non-profit organizations!
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