Music Video


If I was there the night before
And I heard them knocking at my door
Would I turn them down or let them in
On Christmas Eve in Bethlehem

If I was watching over the fields
When the Angel of the Lord appeared
Would I believe as the shepherds did
On Christmas Eve in Bethlehem

Would I sing Hallelujah at the top of my lungs
Would I fall on my knees would my soul be overcome
In awe of our Savior's birth the moment
Heaven came to Earth
As a baby boy born of a virgin
On Christmas Eve in Bethlehem

If I saw the star light up the sky
Would I know a king was born that night
Leave it all behind to follow Him
My life began in Bethlehem

So I sing Hallelujah at the top of my lungs
And I fall on my knees Oh my soul is overcome
In awe of our Savior's birth the moment
Heaven came to Earth
As a baby boy born of a virgin
On Christmas Eve in Bethlehem

Before the Earth will be restored
And the Son of God knocks on your door
Will you turn Him down or let Him in
For the day when Jesus comes again

When we'll sing Hallelujah at the top of our lungs
We'll fall on our knees before the Father, Spirit, Son
His Kingdom come to Earth the moment heaven returns
When all believe and we will bow before Him
As the angels sing oh come let us adore Him
Just like Christmas Eve in Bethlehem
That's our Christmas Eve in Bethlehem

Writer(s): Jason Earley, Hannah Kerr Earley

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