Ansen Bayer is the Director of Innovation & Strategy and Drive-Home co-host for KLRC, as well as the Program Director for KLRC's sister station, Real FM. Ansen directs KLRC's branding, digital, and design strategies.

90.9 Questions with Ansen

What three words would your loved ones use to describe you?

I asked my 3 kids for one word each. Here's what I got: Nice, Fun, Tall. That sounds about right. ๐Ÿ˜†

Finish this sentence: "When I was five, I was pretty sure I'd be __________ when I grew up."

A cartographer! You know, someone who makes maps? Is that still a thing people do? Probably for Google and Apple, at least. I was always drawing maps of places (both real and imagined) when I was supposed to be paying attention at school.

What could we probably find you doing when you're not at the station?

I like training for and racing in half marathons, so probably running. Otherwise I might be producing music, playing video games, having a "tickle fight" with my kids, or watching sports (mostly my beloved K-State Wildcats and Kanas City Chiefs).

What is your most used emoji?


If you wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?

I Was Going to Change The World, But I Ended Up Playing Video Games Instead

What is your favorite quote?

"Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!"

How would you describe your job to an alien who had no idea what you were talking about?

I say a lot of words into a magic stick and hope that a few might mean something to somebody. Beyond that, I develop new products and strategies for people to engage with our "brand," which is kind of like a personality but for organizations as opposed to individuals... you know what, let's just forget all that and stick to the first sentence.

What's a song on KLRC that everyone should hear and why?

"Living Hope" by Phil Wickham. It's just such a beautiful summation of the hope we have in the gospel. "The God of ages stepped down from glory to wear my sin and bear my shame. The cross has spoken, I am forgiven, the King of Kings calls me His own. Beautiful savior, I'm yours forever, Jesus Christ, my living hope."

What is one of your favorite memories involving the station or team?

Many of the conversations I have with my teammates during songs while I'm on the air, following a podcast recording, or after everyone else has left the office for the day are often uproariously hilarious or very deeply meaningful!

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