Scott Thompson manages KLRC's constituent and donor databases, and lends his expertise to making sure all the right information is in all the right places and available to all the right people.

90.9 Questions with Scott

What three words would your loved ones use to describe you?

Handsome, Suave, Debonaire.

Finish this sentence: "When I was five, I was pretty sure I'd be __________ when I grew up."

When I was five, I think I was still eating dirt. I liked to play cowboy, and I wanted to be the sheriff.

What could we probably find you doing when you're not at the station?

Working in my yard, either mowing or refilling my bird feeders.

What is your most used emoji?

👍 followed closely by 🙏 and 🤷

If you wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?

My Life as a Confident Nerd

What is your favorite quote?

"There has never been a sadness that can't be cured by breakfast food." -Ron Swanson

How would you describe your job to an alien who had no idea what you were talking about?

I work indoors.

What's a song on KLRC that everyone should hear and why?

"Is He Worthy". A song by Andrew Peterson. We play the Chris Tomlin version, but the song is such an encouraging message of our hope beyond this world and this life in an eternal God who is timeless and faithful and in love with His children. I have literally pulled off to the shoulder of the road to worship while this song plays.

What is one of your favorite memories involving the station or team?

My first fundraiser, Fall 2016. I was too new to offer any real help, but I was in awe of the talent and commitment of the KLRC team, how all these people with all these skill sets, who would be in demand any place in the country, chose to come together in Arkansas to complement one another. The total was so much more than the sum of the parts. I had never witnessed a team like that in a work environment, much less one that had so much dedication to one another and their mission. I knew I was in a special place.

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