Chandler David Moore is a native of Charleston, South Carolina, currently based in Atlanta, Georgia. He is the son of Bishop Brian & Elder Jametta C. Moore.
Often referred to as a modern day King David, Chandler is a worship leader, songwriter, and instrumentalist. Although his creative calling takes him around the globe, Chandler commits himself to leading the Production Department of his church, All Nations Worship Assembly-Atlanta.
Chandler is currently partnered with Maverick City—a collective of worshipers committed to deconstructing unspoken rules that exist in the CCM and Gospel world. Through this partnership, Chandler has penned and featured on songs like "Most Beautiful" and "Refiner" (featuring Steffany Gretzinger). To date, both songs have garnered over 5 million streams a piece.
Chandler’s pursuit is pretty simple : to live a life worthy of the call he’s been trusted with.
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