In music, as in life, there are people who fit well within established parameters, people who know the status quo and who are happy to meet, even sometimes exceed it. People who appreciate that the status quo exists. They see the box, fit neatly within it, and feel good because the box is established, understood and comfortable. David Dunn isn’t one of those people. A brilliant, soulful singer/songwriter, this Midland, Texas native writes in unfiltered, human terms, mirroring doubt and faith in a single stroke. He doesn’t use churchy language, and he ignores sonic blueprints, fusing and confusing genre confines. And he does this with great intention, valuing art as the context for music, as much as for conveying a spiritual message. For Dunn, seven records and 14 tattoos down the road less traveled, the goal is always: “To tell the truth and do it in a beautiful way.”
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