1392 Plaza Place Springdale AR, 72764
Mission: Our mission is to demonstrate the love and compassion of Jesus Christ by protecting and enhancing the lives of children and families through quality social services. In the hope that we will bring glory to God in everything we do, we focus on three core values:
Integrity - Make decisions that are consistent with Biblical principles.
Impact - Go above and beyond.
Innovation - Be dedicated to improvement.
About: Since 1944, Bethany has grown and developed not only into a well-known adoption agency, but a social services agency that serves and supports expectant parents, foster families, individuals and families in need of counseling, and struggling families and children who are in desperate need of even the most basic necessities. Bethany's purpose is to demonstrate the love of Christ by equipping families to be the answer for children in need. Our founders started Bethany by taking in one child who needed a home. Today, Bethany has been helping find loving families for more than 100,000 children annually. Bethany Christian Services is located in 36 states and works in many countries around the world. All of our U.S. offices provide pregnancy counseling and adoption services. However, only certain offices provide foster care programs and Safe Families for Children's ministries. Internationally, Bethany has been able to replicate adoption and foster care services in countries such as China and Ethiopia. We also have a sponsorship program and other programs that support children and families overseas.
Services: Pregnancy Counseling and Domestic/International Adoption Services
Volunteer opportunities:
Create a personal fundraising page
Pray for specific needs
Provide temporary care for infants while birth parents make their final decision
Plan and work at fundraising events
Transport clients
Assist with ongoing clerical tasks in a local office
Join Bethany's Board of Directors
Become a Bethany Champion for Children
Raise money for Bethany
Research community resources for families in need
Educate your church and community about Bethany's ministry to children
Share your Bethany story
Volunteer to speak or teach on behalf of Bethany
Become a foster or adoptive parent
Learn How to Volunteer with This Non-Profit!
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