901 Jones Rd, Springdale
For over 15 years, patients and their family members have turned to Circle of Life for care and comfort. Circle of Life is the largest and most trusted non-profit hospice in Northwest Arkansas serving Benton, Washington, Carroll and Madison counties. Our caring spirit and professionalism have made our name widely and immediately recognized as the hospice of choice in our area.
At Circle of Life the patient and families come first. Our compassionate care is defined by the needs of the patient and family and is at the very heart of what we do and why we exist. Circle of Life’s compassionate care and integrity leads to the innovation that is setting the standards for the future of hospice. We bring hospice care to you wherever you live in Northwest Arkansas --whether it is in your home, a nursing home, assisted living facility or in one of our inpatient facilities. Our professionals are available for questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and will visit patients at night or on weekends if necessary.
Hospice care is available to everyone at the end-of-life. We respect the diverse cultures and beliefs of our community. Our services are offered to individuals often with little to no out-of-pocket expense.
Hospice provides care for those with life expectancy of six months or less if the disease continues its normal course. Once eligible, patients and families choose hospice when the focus shifts from curative treatment to comfort care. We focus on quality of life, comfort, and dignity for the patient and family. We provide pain and symptom management as well as emotional support, end-of-life education, and spiritual support. Hospice offers high-quality care for patients dealing with any terminal illness.
Circle of Life cares for more than just patients. It provides many unique services for families and loved ones, including counseling and support groups. We specialize in providing individualized symptom control, pain control, oxygen, medications, wound care and any other care ordered by the physician to keep the patient comfortable.
Circle of Life is fully accredited and certified by the Arkansas Department of Health and Medicare. Our in-house facilities are located in Springdale and Bentonville. If you or your family is facing end-of-life issues, Circle of Life is here for you. To find out more about hospice call Circle of Life at 479-750-6632 or visit our website at www.nwacircleoflife.org.
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