Restore Family Preservation Center
Discipleship and Ministry, Education and Mentoring , Financial & Clothing Assistance, Food Pantries and Meals, Legal Services , Mental Health and Crisis Services , Shelters and Day Centers
Discipleship and Ministry, Education and Mentoring , Financial & Clothing Assistance, Food Pantries and Meals, Legal Services , Mental Health and Crisis Services , Shelters and Day Centers
P.O. Box 6 Avoca, AR 72711
The mission of Restore Family Preservation Center is to preserve and restore families by promoting Jesus Christ and the values He has shown to us in His word.
Restore Family Preservation Center is the vision of April Grimes, a native of Garfield, Arkansas. Through her life as a foster parent, an adoptive parent, and her work as a CASA advocate she found that the problems facing children today begin with the family. The family unit is in dire need of help. Whether poverty, homelessness, drug addiction, or unplanned pregnancy, Restore will be a place of hope. A place to come when all hope is lost. Restore will help the lost find Jesus and direction for their lives as well as ensure they have a person to walk the journey along side them.
RFPC is just in the beginning phases. While we have big dreams of becoming a large campus that houses children placed by parents needing a hand up, a place of refuge for single, pregnant women, and a resource center that will minister to the family as a whole, we are still currently being a light in the community by providing a donations closet, food pantry for the area and the blessed hope of life through Jesus. Individuals can also contact us through our website to access a list of community resources including shelters, financial assistance, legal services, and food pantries around NWA.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Visit our website for ways you can help make Restore become reality! www.restorefpc.org
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