Contact Information

Based out of Rogers (Worldwide Reach)


Organization Information


Our mission is to honor, serve, and encourage those who lead in the Church.


Founded in 2014, Alesia & Mark Campbell (Edmond, OK) followed God's prompting to fulfill 1 Timothy 5:17 by providing FREE respite to Christian pastors and spouses. They witnessed many pastors walk away from their Calling due to burnout, stress, isolation, divorce, moral failure, addiction, depression, anxiety, etc. The Campbells wanted to minister to pastors as individuals, not just as employees who needed to be equipped with additional preaching tools, or leadership skills. Their vision was (and is) to bless ministers with double honor with encouragement, mentoring, rest, recreation, and relationship - all free of charge. Double Honor Ministries is a non-denominational 501c3 supported by donations, grants, and some financial support from state leadership of denominations. Please visit for more information including a short video.


Double Honor Ministries provides approximately 30 pastor retreats each year. Each retreat is led by our facilitator (usually a ministry couple with decades of pastoral experience) who invites 4-6 couples to attend the Monday thru Friday event. Guests usually do not know each other and may/may not be from the same denomination. Doctrine or denominational differences are not discussed at our retreats. Thanks to the generosity of Believers who partner with us, we are able to host retreats in vacant vacation homes, VRBO or AirBnB rentals across the USA plus France, Turkey, Romania and Mexico. Our guests are provided with accommodations, daily breakfasts, travel funds, and reimbursement for dining out and entertainment expense. Each morning of the retreat, the group gathers for 1-2 hours for an "encouragement session". The pastors/spouses complete and discuss a life balance assessment, then share their struggles -- many which are common to those who serve in the pulpit. The rest of their day is free and unscheduled. Many guests enjoy date night with their spouse, play golf, watch a movie, dine out, fish/hike/boat or just relax. Many of our retreats are for couples but we do offer men only and ladies only retreats. A full retreat schedule with locations and leader information is listed on our website. All retreats are adults only, no pets, no alcohol, no tobacco, no exceptions.

Additionally, Double Honor provides free, confidential one-to-one counseling, mentoring and accountability to any pastor upon request. Mark Campbell and James Robinson can be contacted directly for in-person, video conferencing, or email assistance. Their contact information is listed on the website at

Private respite is also available for pastors/spouses and ministry leaders. A one-bedroom condo on the Oklahoma/Texas border (near Ardmore, OK) is available for private use up to one week per calendar year (more based on availability). The condo is perfect for sermon prep, sabbatical respite, health recovery, covid19 quarantine, hurricane evacuation accommodations, book writing, and general rest and solitude. An availability calendar and request form are provided on our website. This property is owned and operated by Double Honor Ministries and is available for adults only, no pets, no alcohol, no tobacco, no exceptions.

A generous partner has also made available 3 properties in Bella Vista, AR for Double Honor guests. These VRBO rentals (3 bedrooms, 2 baths) are not owned by Double Honor Ministries but are offered to pastors/spouses for respite free of charge when reserved through our website subject to availability. As per our policy and to avoid reducing rental revenues for the owner, these properties are not for family vacations. Adults only, no pets, no alcohol, no tobacco, no exceptions.

Volunteer Opportunities:

We would love to invite your pastor to attend one of our group retreats! You or your organization (church, ministry group, business, Sunday school class, or denomination) can sponsor a retreat by giving financially. Share this ministry with your group or congregation to explain the great need to help our clergy continue in their Calling. If you have a 4-bedroom, 4 bathroom vacation home (or larger) that is available for 1 or 2 weeks, we can partner with you to host a pastor retreat at your property. Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss! Prayer for your pastors and this ministry is always appreciated!

Contact us through email

[email protected]

Phone: 405-820-8500

Regular Mail: 

Double Honor Ministries

P.O. Box 2488

Rogers, AR 72757

Learn How to Volunteer with This Non-Profit!

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