407 E Nursery Rd, Rogers
Mission: The Humane Society for Animals provides for the welfare of dogs and cats in Benton County through shelter and adoption services, spaying and neutering vouchers, and human education.
About: The Humane Society for Animals has held over 90,000 animals since it originally opened in 1972. Our facility at 1st and Nursery Rd was built in 1980 and continuously houses a total of around 85 dogs and 20 cats. Most of our cats and dogs are strays that have been dumped or abandoned. Others come from local animal control agencies and from people who can no longer care for them, that live in the county. The shelter was built with private contributions as well as donated labor and continues to run on the same premise. We are one of the last remaining non-profit shelters in NW Arkansas.
Ways to Help: Even if you are not able to adopt an animal, there are other ways you can help.
Volunteer: contact us to find out what you can do!
Monetary donations: can be mailed to: Human Society for Animals, PO Box 476, Rogers, AR 72757
Monthly donations: are much appreciated, as it helps us to maintain a stable cash flow
We need donations of: Laundry soap, Pine Sol, Bleach, Cat/Dog Carriers, Wal-Mart gift cards for gas, and Used Golf Cart to go between dog park, shelter and proposed shelter.
Learn How to Volunteer with This Non-Profit!
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