I recently broke up with the one true love I ever had. I felt it was the right decision but it hurts so bad. I am so worried that God wants me to be single for the rest of my life. I know there are worse things than being single but I am so lonely without him. I don’t feel like a very good person sometimes. I’m struggling to stay positive and have joy. If it is God's will, I would still like to remain friends with him.
Please say a prayer for my hormonal health and emotions. I battle being emotional and cynical about others. I have had a traumatic upbringing where I was lied to a lot. Please pray for me to treat others right even if my feelings are hurt. I don’t trust many people and I want to be a better person but it’s hard with how much betrayal has happened. I feel I have been used and neglected. God has done so much for me and I feel the devil is trying to destroy what peace I have. I have many worries and need to be at peace. Please pray I can be a positive light.
My sister went to get her mammogram results and they found two lumps instead of just the one we thought she had. There is a lump in each breast, one bigger than the other. Her doctor said she was sure it was cancer. They are setting up a team of doctors and doing the biopsy next week. Thank you for your prayers.
Please pray for my grandson as his parole hearing is tomorrow. He went to prison when he was 17 and has been in 7 yrs. He finally realizes what he did was wrong & wants to start a new life. I sent him a Bible about a yr ago and he reads it every day! I also have daily devotional sent to him from In Touch Ministries, he includes those with his Bible reading. I don’t know if he has become a Christian yet, but is closer than ever in his life. Please pray for God’s will in his parole. He has several more yrs to serve, but I know if God wants him here instead of in prison he will be home soon! Thank you for your prayers
I have been struggling all year and this Friday especially. It will be the year anniversary that I found my youngest daughter who was 31 passed away from a fentanyl overdose. I have been going through therapy and trying to navigate this new life. I struggle with my faith and sometimes wonder where is God. I have good days and bad days. I feel like I was abandoned by God at times but then I think that if my faith was not so strong I wouldn’t be here today. I know I will see her again but my faith is being tested. I could sure use some prayers to help me and my family through this very difficult time.
Please pray I will have true friends that desire to hang out with me. I don't get asked to do much and sometimes I am lonely. I would love for God to open doors for me to be around positive people. I would like to volunteer, travel and meet my soulmate. Sometimes, I am happier alone and that scares me. I worry because I stay at home and eat a lot instead of being active and staying busy. I am close to 40 and am single. I want to be happy with what God has for me and who he puts in my life. Please pray I am happy with what God has for me. He has truly blessed me and I have a lot of peaceful moments here lately. I don’t want to use food as my comfort. I have a lot of worry and stress over family, finances and loneliness. I want to do my best for God. I owe him everything!
I'm going through a difficult time. I feel like I can't pray to God anymore. I feel there is a barrier between us. Even when I try hard, I just can't seem to connect. I feel so disconnected, and I know it's because of my sins and fears. Please pray for me that I can find my way back to prayer and reconnect with God. Pray that I can overcome everything standing in the way of His presence in my life. Thank you for your prayers; they mean so much to me.
I feel God is wanting me to be a better example. I have left a relationship and this man is hurt. I’m trying to not go back to old ways. I’m stressed, gained a lot of weight and not wanting to go to church like I should. I feel my ex boyfriend is lonely and trying to use me. He’s a good man, but he doesn’t see his faults. Please pray God touches his mind to be a better person and friend to me. Please pray that I am relieved of some stress and get weight off. I’m at risk for blood sugar problems and don’t need to keep gaining weight. I’ve had family members die of diabetic complications.