Please pray for God to help me find activities to go to and do. I am wanting to conquer this depression. I have tried searching for volunteer work but is is all during the week. I want to be productive with my life. I have to get weight off with my health conditions and it seems like all I want to do is sleep. God has blessed me by allowing me to get my bills paid, but it would help out if I got a raise at work. It seems like I have way too much worrying and insecurity. God supplies my needs, but I have a lot of road blocks at the moment.
Prayer for my aunt (Dad’s sister) who’s in her late 70s and who has been in the hospital for a couple weeks. She had to have an emergency hysterectomy and was moved to a regular room today from the ICU. She’s the last immediate relative of my parents out of all sets of parents and siblings to them, she has 4 grown married children and many grandchildren.
My dad has been in the hospital for two weeks. He has liver cancer and was admitted for dehydration and elevated liver functions. Since admission, we have battled with pneumonia, pancreatitis and now we are dealing with kidney failure which has now led to dialysis. He is so weak, has lost 15 lbs. They are going to send him to a skilled nursing facility when he is discharged. Please pray that we find a facility that will work with him in getting his strength back. Please pray that the insurance will all work out & we find transportation for him back and forth to dialysis. Please also pray that his one kidney can recover and that he will not have to do dialysis anymore. He still worked up until he went in to the hospital. He is tired and tries to push himself to get stronger. We have seen God move mountains in the last 2 weeks. We believe in the power of prayer!
I need to be serving God better, but I don’t know how sometimes. I need help with my family and friends. I want people to hang out with who like me for me. God has been so good to us and I am so thankful for some answered prayers. Please pray I can receive my heart's desires. I want to smile more and cause others to smile.
My 12-year-old son recently told me that he no longer believes in God due to scientific research. I know that he is young and I pray that God give him all the time he needs to find his way back to Jesus. I am believing that God will work in his life in such a way that is unexplainable and unfathomably gracious that he will not be able to deny God 's mighty work and His presence. I'm praying that my youngest two daughters, who are now going to church with me (first time in years this past Sunday), will hear the gospel and accept it into their hearts and live a life in Christ. I am praying that my husband will rededicate himself to Christ and that God will move in mighty ways in our family. I'm believing that our eldest two daughters, who walked away from God early on, will come back to Him. That all our hearts will be softened to accept how God moves us, changes us, bring us to true repentance and works in us for the glory of His kingdom each and every day. Amen.
We have family court tomorrow and as of right now I am fostering my two granddaughters. I live in a two bedroom home as I lost my husband in 2023 and that was all I needed. I now need three bedroom. Please pray for financial blessings so that I can get into a larger home that is affordable. Also, please pray for their mother and father as they are struggling with denial and addiction.
My heart catheterization came out great. Praise God! Please continue to pray. I saw my heart nurse today and she sent me to get a blood test checking for a blood clot in the lungs because of some symptoms I'm having. I got the results a bit ago and my levels are high so she wants me to have a CAT scan at 9am tomorrow to see if there's a blood clot in my lungs (pulmonary embolism). This has been very hard going through all these health issues. I'm trying to keep my eyes on God and trust in Him. Please continue praying for me. Pray there will be no blood clots and that everything looks good. Thank you and God Bless.
I am fostering two of my granddaughters. Their two brothers are also in foster care. Please pray that I find an affordable three-bedroom home so that all the siblings can be together. I am a widow whose husband passed in November 2023 so I only needed the smaller home until now. I rent so this should be easy but however finding affordable housing is not as easy as you might think. I know the Lord can provide what I need.
I really need prayers for my broken heart. My daughter has shut me out of her life, because I can not get along with her husband. I am hurting bad, I lay in bed crying every night because I want her back in my life so bad. My son & I sincerely miss her so much. Please pray that she will come back to us. And if not, please pray that we learn to deal with the pain of missing her better than we do now.
My parents are in the process of selling their house, but keep running into issues that are delaying the process. Pray the issues will be resolved quickly and be able to find a buyer. Also, pray for an affordable, safe apartment, that can accommodate my mom.
Pray for my financial means to continue paying off my camper.