Please pray for my family especially, my youngest son. We had to take him to the emergency room and found out on Christmas Day that he is Diabetic and has been transferred to the Arkansas Children Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas. My family and I have been homeless since October. We are financially struggling and all we have is the love of our lord Jesus Christ and his family. Please pray for our family and our son.
I recently got back in contact with my best friend from 3rd grade. She was one of the greatest things to ever happen to me and provided me so much joy. She is a busy mom and very shy. I would love for us to be best friends again. Please pray we can hang out and discuss scripture. I miss her so much and feel she needs a break.
My oldest brother is in the hospital. All I’ve been told is that they’re running tests, and that he’s expected to be there for a few days. He is a Vietnam veteran and has suffered many ill effects from Agent Orange. My niece informed me that my family wasn’t supposed to know about my brother’s situation. Her mom carries hatred for our family. This makes a difficult situation even harder. I love my brother. It would be nice to know what’s going on with him. Please pray for God’s will to be done with my brother, and for my sister-in-law to let go of the hatred.
I have been attacked by someone I loved. I am very disoriented and confused and feel very lost. I had strong affection for this person. Please pray that I can find hope, direction and wisdom to make sense of everything and come out of the fog of disillusionment with clarity of purpose. Bless you all.
My husband and I are going through a season of health and financial issues. We are now down to no car as it broke down a couple of days ago. Our other car is also in the shop needing a new transmission, which we don't have the money to fix. We are facing hardships regarding our son and grandsons and a division beginning there. We believe in God and his mercies but He sure feels far away right now. We've never been so desperate or depressed about life as we do right now. We find ourselves praying come quickly Lord Jesus. Prayers are much appreciate for a stronger faith and the financial means to take care of our bills and cars.
God knows all that I'm dealing with. I'm grieving really bad. I'm homeless and jobless. My wife left me and I can't see my kids. To my ex-wife and her family I am this horrible monster but really I'm a Christian and try really hard at doing good for myself and everyone else. I've almost died twice in the past few months due to health complications. I have just a couple family/ friends that I feel I'm using up all their time and support. Other than that I have absolutely nothing and no one. Not allowed to go anywhere and not allowed to do things. And can't even if I could. I really need God's help and deliverance and help to get any of my life back. 2024 has been one of the worst years in my life and pray that 2025 brings peace and healing. Thank you for your prayers!