I feel depressed,lonely and insecure about myself. I am not happy with my job. God's been good in some areas, but I worry about bills and obtaining my drivers license. I feel stuck. I have a lot of dental work needed to be done. I have doubts about starting my own family with no family in sight. I just don't know what he wants to do with it now and is frustrating me.
Pray for miraculous re-connection to kids and grandkids and that those relationships would be restored. I have a new book that will be published soon so please pray for God's anointing . Please pray that my husband will find work. My niece is having heart attacks, please pray for healing as she may need a pacemaker.
I could use some prayer. Even so, I just have not been willing to give it up to God. I am an addict. I have not had a drink in 15 years, thank God. I have not used marijuana in 9 years. I have not used methamphetamine in 18 years. These are all miracles! I also had given up cigarettes 9 years ago but picked up the habit again. It has been proof to me that I am not living for God. His will for me is not to be a slave to this habit. I feel like I've been filling myself with a terrible spirit. Therefore, pushing the Holy Spirit out of my life. I want this to be the last day I smoke. The last day that I deny God. I still feel Him and he tells me He has plans for me. Please pray for me to accept and claim His will for me. I am so tired of living half a life. The cigarettes are only a symptom of my addiction to living for myself and not living for God. I am already seeking help from support groups and books. I know there is power in prayer and I have felt God's presence in the KLRC ministry. Thank you and God bless all of you, brothers and sisters in Christ! I do have the song in my head, Thy Will, by Hillary Scott & the Scott Family.
Please pray for my marriage of 16 years. For me and my husband's love to keep growing strong. Between stress of Finances, work, kids, school and everyday living we have lost our way of walking with Christ between us leading the way. My son and my daughter know they are blessed, to still have their mom and dad together in marriage. But every day is a struggle. I love my husband very much. We have both hurt each other in the past years which requires healing only God and through prayer can be mended. For us and all all struggling marriages out there, Thank you!
I love my children dearly but I don't think my husband loves our children he is so hard on them. I would like pray for my husband to receive the Holy spirit so maybe he can be a better man and father. It makes it hard when he is always picking on them and I am always defending them. Praise God! Thank you.
Prayers for guidance. I lost my job two years ago, I'm a graphic designer artist and I hurt my hand. I downsized my home hoping to be able to live on less. This has been an extremely difficult time. Because of the constant storms, since April I have been trying to get water. The well drilling people are still backed up but I have run out of money and can't afford them now. I have been living without running water for months. I'm older and my daughter and her babies are supposed to live with me but they can't live here until we get water so they have been staying with a friend. I'm waiting for God to work in this situation, however I don't know what to do.
Please pray for my daughter. She accepted Jesus when she was young. She had trouble with anorexia and bulimia and cutting in high school. She was delivered from the eating disorders but I think she still fights them. I know she still cuts herself. She has changed so much. Please pray for her freedom. I want my daughter back.