
Phone Interview

Posted by Anonymous

My husband has been without employment for the past 10 months. This coming Monday (July 23) he has a phone interview with company he applied with over a month ago. Praying that he will find favor with the recruiter and will be moved to the next step.

I’m Praying for This

Trusting God in Uncertainty

Posted by Anonymous

Praise God for all He's brought my son and me through. I could not have made it this far without the prayers and support I've received from so many people God has placed in our lives. I'm finally graduating in August this year! I'm applying for full-time jobs. I'm waiting to hear from them, and hopefully be invited to interviews. Thankfully, I have the substituting position to fall back on until I obtain full-time work. I'll admit, though, I'm scared. Right now, I'm trying to make it on $50 a week, and when August gets here, bills will be due again. I know I'll need to move eventually, but without full-time work, or at least a stable part-time job to combine with the substituting, I'm not sure how that is going to work. I'm also trying to obtain my counseling license, but I can't afford the exam I need to take...and that's the next step. There's just too many variables, too many uncertainties. I'm holding onto my faith, but I could really use the extra prayers. I need to know we'll be okay, and that my son will be taken care of. Our lives are in His hands.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I would like you to pray for my son and his wife, and all the children involved. She moved out, and all of her reasoning is really not making sense. My grandchildren, her step kids, called her momma. They just do not understand why another mother left. I worry so about them. I am praying for reconciliation and healing for them all.   Thank you

I’m Praying for This

New Home

Posted by Helen

Asking prayers for my sister to be able to get a loan for a house. She really wants to get me and my daughter out of our environment and I want to get my daughter out of this unhealthy situation.  I know God will intervene and hear all prayers and bless us with a happy home.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My husband and I are looking for jobs. We have been looking for two months. I am a school teacher and he is a veteran.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My friend Jay is going through some serious struggles. God knows his needs and Jay needs to be lifted up in prayer.

I’m Praying for This

Healing For Crystal

Posted by Minna

My sister, Crystal, is in the hospital.  She is not responsive and had a stroke.  She is 30 years old.

I’m Praying for This

Sell a Car

Posted by Michelle

We need to sell my son's car.  He is unable to pay for it anymore and I co-signed for it.  It has put a huge burden on me and my finances.

I’m Praying for This

Bad Situation

Posted by Anonymous

My family is struggling right now with accusations being made and poor decisions taking place. Please pray for the truth to be found so that it can set all of us free.  Only God can take care of this situation. Thank you

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Brooklyn is 7 years old and was severely burned in an accident two days ago. She was air lifted to a hospital in Cleveland Ohio, she has burns over 60% of her body and some are 3rd degree burns. Please pray for her and her family during this devastating time.

I’m Praying for This

Baby Wyett

Posted by Anonymous

Wyett was four weeks early.  He has severe heart issues and had open heart surgery.  Please pray for a speedy recovery and that Wyett can come off the ventilator soon.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My husband is an alcoholic. Please pray that God will work in him and help him through this. At this time, he is unwilling to seek help. However, I know God has the power to work in him and change his heart and his mind. Pray for me as I do not know how to be supportive of his drinking, but when I discuss my concerns, it pushes him to drink more.

I’m Praying for This

Mistake on the job

Posted by Anonymous

I made a mistake at work Friday apparently HR and safety got involved and I am just praying that this will not cost me my job. Been there for 22 almost 23 years (end of this month). I pray Jesus will have mercy on me let me have learned from this and I will be able to keep my job. Thank-you

I’m Praying for This

Problems with Honesty

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray against my hypocrisy, self-righteousness and all the other ways I am like a Pharisee. Thank you

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I have been suffering with headaches for a month. The pain is almost unbearable. I also need healing from a hernia. Please pray for complete and quick healing. Thank you.

I’m Praying for This

Deeply Saddened

Posted by Anonymous

I ask for prayers to lift my spirit up. I'm am in my mid 30s, have a great husband, kids, and yet feel so lonely and empty inside. I cry most days. I wake up happy but as the day goes on I slip deeper and deeper. I've had a bad year financially.  I am trying to spend time with my sister's kids and make sure she sees them and doesn't slip back into using drugs.   I know that all of this is causing me to feel this way.   I just want to not feel worthless or question why I am here. Thank you.

I’m Praying for This

Husband's Health

Posted by Anonymous

My husband has heart problems and we found out he was born with a heart defect.   He goes to the doctor next week to discuss open heart surgery.  The family needs prayers and needs the Lord to move in this situation.  

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Lauren

As one of my 17 year old twins was helping his uncle cut firewood, a large tree limb fell out of a tree and gashed his head open on Wednesday. God really protected him, he has concussion and whiplash, but if his head had been in any other positions it would have been devastating. Please pray for speedy recovery with no lasting impacts. He is due to join the Army soon. And he is going on a youth retreat this weekend.

I’m Praying for This

Marriage Restoration

Posted by Caleb

I believe God has already promised to restore my family, I ask that you would help me pray for my ex wife’s heart to be softened and that she would only desire his will and way for her life and our family. I pray for healing for both of us and for our 3 small children and that God would do a miracle for us and through us. Thank you!

I’m Praying for This

Probate Issue

Posted by Dana

Please pray for a quick and satisfactory resolution to a probate issue.

I’m Praying for This

My Home

Posted by Donna

I need a prayer to help me save my home. I am the mother of a special needs child and the bank is days away from selling our home.  I run my own business from home because I was unjustly released from my previous job years ago due to poor health issues.  Since then I've been doing anything I can to try and earn money to save our home. It was built by my grandparents and is the only safe place my child and I have. Without it, we will be out on the street. Please say a prayer for me that this horrible tragedy doesn't happen and I find a way to pay off the bank and save our home in time.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Randy

Please pray for God to send me a Christian roommate to help with expenses in Ponca City.
I’m Praying for This

Breast Cancer

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for discernment and wisdom, as we try to navigate through this recent diagnosis of Breast Cancer. Pray for God's involvement, healing and our faith to remain strong.

I’m Praying for This

Praying for Gods Favor in Job Search

Posted by Anonymous

Praying that God will have favor on my husband's job search and God will open the door for the job that he wants him to have. Praying that my husband will find favor during job interview.

I’m Praying for This

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