My car is falling apart. I don't have the means to fix it or the credit to get another. I live with my inlaws and it is killing my spirit. I can feel myself getting more and more unhappy, but I can't afford to move out. We are stuck. There are days that I don't WANT to believe anymore, because I feel like "How can a God that loves me so much, allow me to be so miserable?" But I know that somehow, in the end, it will all work out. I just don't see how. Please pray for me.
My daughter and son-in-law wanted to have children but couldn't. They had exhausted all medical possibilities. They continued to pray and ask God for a miracle for four years. My daughter gave birth to their first child yesterday! Landon is his name and he was born healthy. I am so thankful and wanted others to be encouraged with this answered prayer.
Please pray for my brother who recently returned from his seventh deployment and is retiring. He has recently received the news that he is suffering from head trauma from numerous concussions. Ray has served our country selflessly. Pray for him over the next few months as this will be very difficult on him and his family
Please pray with my husband and me that God will provide the right job for him. He is facing a lay-off in a few weeks, and at 53 years old, he is feeling a bit desperate. God has been so faithful to us throughout the years, and we know He will not forsake us now. But still, it is a scary situation. So far he has had very few job leads and has even been rejected for one that he interviewed for.
I am asking prayer after being visited by local police last night who were searching the area for a missing 9-year-old boy. It does not appear to be an abduction, but he does come from a difficult family situation. Pray for local police as they work to find this boy soon.
Please pray for me as I travel next week for the first time. I'm anxious about being away from my family and out of the comfort zone of daily life that I am used to. Pray the Lord speaks to me while I travel. Also, pray for my 19-year-old son as he transitions into adulthood. I pray he waits on God for all things including his future wife. Please pray for my marriage. I deeply desire a closer and healthy marriage with my husband after some years of struggle.
Our family is deeply burdened financially. My husband has been disabled for four years and we are getting deeper and deeper in debt as a result of his loss of income. My prayer is for financial stability for our family so that our energies can be more focused on helping others in need. We serve a faithful and gracious GOD.
My husband and I are on our way to a doctor appointment, where we will learn today whether we can have children. We have been trying to conceive for awhile, had a few false alarms, and our hearts' desire is that God gives us babies. We are praying for a good report from the doctor and for God's strength as we walk through this time.
My husband has a traveling job. He got sent home early after making a mistake. Although this is a first offense, I have bad feelings. He has been with the job for over 2 years now. He goes into the office today, and I feel they are letting him go. This will hurt us financially as we rely on his work check to get by.
Please pray for my children. They are both teenagers and that’s hard enough but there is also a lot of stress going on in our life right now. Mostly I pray that their father will put them first in his life. I also ask you to pray for their relationships with their grandparents. Also, please pray for me. Being a single mother is hard in many aspects and I need God’s help to raise them to be godly young people. We need prayers for our finances, our health, our relationships with both family and God. I would appreciate your prayers and God’s help in all areas of our life.