I've been praying this for over 26 years since I had a spiritual revival back in '96. I started writing songs then and I felt the Lord wanted me to share them but I've not been able to do that because of my talent has not enabled me to do that so far. I've been praying for God to send someone to help me or maybe I need to just stop. I've really been frustrated and my faith has been tested. Please pray that God open doors for me if it's His will to continue pursuing the sharing of my songs or let me know if I need to just share them with Him. Thank you
Please pray that I can receive peace about relationships with people. I want to help others and make God proud. I seem to want to isolate myself a lot here lately and I know that I need to spend more time with God. Please pray I can do better. I don't want to waste the time God has blessed me with.
Asking prayers for deliverance for my fiancé, he has an alcohol addiction and it’s affecting our life to the point I know this isn’t what I want or how I want to live . He’s a great person but he can’t seem to breakaway from the addiction. I pray every morning and night that God can deliver him of his addiction. I’ve suggested AA but he doesn’t want to hear what I have to say .
I pray my son-in-law is freed from his sinful ways. I pray that he has a renewed heart, mind and soul. Please pray he can keep his job and God will provide safer transportation for him.
Please pray he will be a better husband, the way that Christ loves the Church. Pray for their marriage and for both of them to be Christ-followers.
The past couple of months I have been struggling with extreme anxiety. I’m on anxiety medication, but it seems to not be helping. I have also been struggling with my heart health, which is contributing to my anxiety. I’m 28 with a lot of health problems and I am feeling hopeless. I have been doing some praying myself. Please pray for me! Thank you!
I'm 68 years old and live alone. I've been having some chest pain lately so my heart doctor is going to do a procedure to check for blockage. In 2023 they found a aortic aneurysm but said it was small. Please pray that the procedure goes well and that there are no blockages. Also that God gives me peace leading up to the procedure. Thank you and God bless you all.