Heaven on Earth
Posted by Melissa • March 7, 2024
Posted by Melissa • March 7, 2024
I wish I could express enough how much y’all have helped me not only in the last year but for a few years now. Y’all were there for and with me as my mom started to decline with her kidney failure and in an incredible way since last February as I was told there was nothing more that could be done for my dad and to call in hospice. Your kindness and warmth has inspired me to reach out to others who are hurting. You and everyone else at KLRC are truly Jesus in human form in all you do! Thank you for saving my life. God is so amazing! He doesn’t send the storms of life but He’s there to remind us that He’s the calm in the storm. He counts every tear we shed and grows something beautiful from it. Thank you for giving us all a glimpse of heaven here on earth.