In July of 2018, I lost hearing in my right ear. I went to urgent care and they told me it was just allergies, and they put me on allergy medication. I went to see my doctor, and they put me on for different antibiotics, and I told them that it wasn't working and there was something bigger going on.

In August I saw an ear and nose specialist he went up in my nose and looked, and he told me it looks like it's cancer. He wanted to do the biopsy the next day.

The next day we did the biopsy, and he came back in and told me it was three times bigger than what he thought. He told me it was called nasopharyngeal cancer and I was stage 4. I started chemotherapy and radiation and went from 250 to 180 lbs in 7 months. I lost 90% of my salivary glands, and  they said it could come back or it may not. Thank God I had insurance. But I felt alone from the very beginning.

I heard a sermon on Psalms 23. I was walking through my own valley of death. But God was walking with me through the whole thing. Nowhere in the Bible does it say our lives will be a bed of roses when we are with Him. But in all things, He will be with us. When we go through rough times we can dwell in the bad or we can focus on making through it.

Now I am cancer free. I still have some struggles in life. But I know I'm not alone, and God has a purpose for my life. Even if it's to give others hope that if I can make it so can you. No matter if your married or single, a parent or not, you have a reason to fight. Our life affects everyone around us. We are all warriors who have some fight. We just have to remember we are not doing it alone.

I’m Praising God for This

Giving Back

Posted by Julianna

When I met you guys in the Thai restaurant, I had said I wanted to donate but I had to get paid first, I got paid today so now I'm…

I’m Praising God for This

My Radio Station

Posted by Cortney

In 2023, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Since then, my radio station has never changed.

I’m Praising God for This


Posted by Cathy

My husband passed away 11 years ago, and I love that KLRC has been a big part of getting me through healing.

I’m Praising God for This

Teaches About Christ

Posted by James

KLRC has gotten my family through major life challenges the past few years, including the loss of my mom, dad and brother within a year.

I’m Praising God for This

Woke Me Up

Posted by Stacy

Four years ago I experience the right song coming at the right time.

I’m Praising God for This

Right Song

Posted by Darla

My 68 yr old husband has just started home dialysis and we listen to KLRC in the car and I listen at work.

I’m Praising God for This

Here For Me

Posted by Michael

I feel so blessed to be a resident of Benton County, as people have been here for me. I love my brother and sisters in Christ.

I’m Praising God for This


Posted by Darla

As a volunteer, I have never been around a more positive atmosphere as I have the last three days. It was comforting.

I’m Praising God for This
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