The Only Station For Me
Posted by Pam • June 8, 2020
Posted by Pam • June 8, 2020
I want to thank you for your prayers. I listen to you daily for I need to hear so many of the songs you play. My favorite is You Are More by Tenth Avenue North. It changed my life 3 years ago. Before that song I was in a bad place, I was continually suicidal and tried many times to end my life. I even begged God to let me come home. Now I know He kept me here because I have a purpose and I am doing my best to fulfill it. Please allow me to share it for I need prayer for it to happen. I was a battered wife for many years, and my purpose is to build a Ranch for battered women/children and animals… I will never listen to another radio station again. KLRC is definitely the only station for me!