Six years ago, I met my husband. I didn't know it at the time, but he was still battling drug addiction. I was persistent in pursuing a relationship with him. Fast forward four years. I was still struggling with infidelity, but this man stuck by me. Even through the worst of it. He told me the one thing I needed to hear. "You don't put down a diamond to pick up a rock." You see, my husband wasn't a Christian when he met me, but he "just knew" there was something about me that he wanted. That same year he gave his life to Christ! We still struggled through our marriage and almost called it quits a few times. The very last time this happened, I was ready to throw in the towel for good and walk away when he told me that he needed help with his walk with Jesus. I remember telling him, "Well nobody helped me, why should I help you." and I walked away from the conversation. God later convicted me saying, "You went through that alone so that you could help him when the time came." That was the major wakeup call that I needed. So I went back to the conversation and told him that I would help him in any way that I can. He told me that he wanted to get baptized again to rededicate his life. And separate from this, our four year old also gave his life to Jesus and my husband got the joy of baptizing him! If we would have never officially invited Jesus into our relationship, who knows where we both would be. I praise God for this and for the future together. We are so blessed!

I’m Praising God for This

Giving Back

Posted by Julianna

When I met you guys in the Thai restaurant, I had said I wanted to donate but I had to get paid first, I got paid today so now I'm…

I’m Praising God for This

My Radio Station

Posted by Cortney

In 2023, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Since then, my radio station has never changed.

I’m Praising God for This


Posted by Cathy

My husband passed away 11 years ago, and I love that KLRC has been a big part of getting me through healing.

I’m Praising God for This

Teaches About Christ

Posted by James

KLRC has gotten my family through major life challenges the past few years, including the loss of my mom, dad and brother within a year.

I’m Praising God for This

Woke Me Up

Posted by Stacy

Four years ago I experience the right song coming at the right time.

I’m Praising God for This

Right Song

Posted by Darla

My 68 yr old husband has just started home dialysis and we listen to KLRC in the car and I listen at work.

I’m Praising God for This

Here For Me

Posted by Michael

I feel so blessed to be a resident of Benton County, as people have been here for me. I love my brother and sisters in Christ.

I’m Praising God for This


Posted by Darla

As a volunteer, I have never been around a more positive atmosphere as I have the last three days. It was comforting.

I’m Praising God for This
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