Wherever you are as you’re reading these words today, we want you to know three things:
God loves you.
Your life matters.
You are making a difference.
At KLRC, we want to be far more than a radio station in your life. We want to be one of your biggest encouragers. When you partner with us through giving, you become an encourager to others too!
Here’s just one example of how your giving touches lives around the world for Jesus:
We are missionaries overseas but can’t reveal what country we are in. Over Christmas, we were in NWA and our special needs ten-year-old son fell in love with KLRC. He received an Alexa for Christmas before we returned overseas. Now, the first thing he does when he wakes up is roll his wheelchair to the Alexa and ask for KLRC.
With the beauty of the internet, we listen to uplifting Christ-filled songs and feel close to home even though we are thousands of miles away. We live in a dark place that needs Jesus. The songs you play give us encouragement and hope every day.
Think of a moment in your life that felt dark or discouraging. Maybe you faced a hard day or unexpected diagnosis, experienced a loss or struggled with loneliness. You might have just gotten stuck in endless traffic when you really wanted to get home.
Then a song came on KLRC that brought a smile to your face or truth to your heart. Your day changed for the better. You found new strength. You felt hope about your situation. You sensed the presence of God with you.
When you donate to KLRC, you help others feel that way too. You can do so again right now by giving online.
KLRC is about so much more than music. Here are some other ways your giving made a difference in the last year:
Sometimes the darkness in our world can feel overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The only way to get rid of darkness is to add more light, and you can do so by partnering with KLRC today.
We’re grateful for you and looking forward to seeing what God will do through KLRC and YOU!