"Ike! Get away from the window!" I can still hear my mom's voice coming from the next room as I pressed my head against the glass and watched the incoming storm. As a kid, there was something memorizing about the old trees in my yard swaying back and forth as the sky turned odd shades of blue, green, and gray. I was probably 9 or 10 years old at the time.

In spite of the warnings and the sirens in the distance, I wasn't worried about the storm outside. I knew how this was all going to go down. The Weaver family "severe weather routine" went like clockwork, and we always made it out fine. First, Mimi (grandma) called my mom to make sure we were watching the weather (we always were, but Mimi had to check. Because it's Mimi). Next, Mom assembled enough flashlights, candles, and other light sources for the next 1,000 years and called us to the basement. That's when I made my move. While Mom was distracted searching for my dad's various headlamps, I made a dash for the living room to get the best view of the action. Mom always snatched me up shortly after that, reminding me that both Mimi and Local Weather Guru Craig Rickert said we should be taking shelter. I would listen this time, because the two biggest celebrities in my life couldn't possibly be wrong. We sat in the basement with the TV upstairs cranked at full volume to stay updated. Eventually we'd come back upstairs after everything passed, and life went on. 

Looking back, obviously my parents storm preparation routine had little to no influence over whether or not we experienced loss. But at the time, I had complete faith it in. My whole understanding of the situation was simple: Mom and Dad have assured me that I will be OK, so I will be OK. 

The Lord is my light and my salvation- so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?

As a grown man, I'm still not bothered by severe weather. My wonderful wife has accepted the job of coaxing me into shelter, and now both Mom and Mimi are calling to make sure we're staying updated when the skies are looking iffy. 

One thing I've found about growing up, though, is that the definition of storm has changed for me. It's never the weather I'm afraid of... It's loved ones going through pain that I can't take away. It's asking God "how are we going to pay for this?" It's the silence between the question of "how are you" and my honest answer...

While going through those storms I read Psalm 27:1 and collapse into the shelter that I've been avoiding. I feel 9 year old Ike inside of me piping up: "Dad is telling you that you're going to be OK. So you are going to be OK." 

Are you seeing those clouds gathering in your life right now? Are the walls that you trust shaking a little more than you care to admit? Join me in the shelter. Dad is saying we'll be OK. 





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