I remember the first devotional I led for the KLRC team. We had a powerful time with God over 2 Chronicles 20, where we saw that anytime we worship, God fights and we win. We saw a desperate king Jehoshaphat and God’s people cry out to God about their mounting enemies and experience the power of praise through the battle. We took time to share, to worship, to pray, to sing. The KLRC team took that attitude of worship and victory into their fundraiser season and saw God provide powerfully both personally and for KLRC.
That was several years ago, and I have had the honor of being invited back and doing more devotionals that have seemed to fuel the faith of this team to the point of recently joining the KLRC team as chaplain. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to spiritually support this team more robustly—to share hope in Christ with them as they have so faithfully done with us.
The devotional times we’ve shared since that first encounter have varied. We’ve looked at a variety of Scriptures and have practiced prayer in a number of ways. And yet, we’re really just practicing that very first truth of worshiping through together and watching God fight for us.
He has been so faithful.
He has been so faithful. Hasn’t He?
Take a moment to look back over 5 years—2015-2020.
That’s about how long the journey I’ve just described has been. And, I am so grateful. God has provided for the ministry of KLRC time and time again without fail through the inspiring and cheerful generosity of so many listeners. Every turn of the heart of one of God’s loved ones like you and me—whether through generosity or service or heartfelt cry or joyful noise—brings a radiant smile to His face. Bask in that every moment of worship you experience.
The different members of the KLRC team have been through a variety of things over these last five years. You and I have, too. How many challenges have we worshiped God through? How many times has He brought us through as “more than conquerors?” (Rom. 8:37) How many good, bad, and ugly circumstances have we seen His indestructible faithfulness?
Consider looking forward with this promise:
“But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.”
2 Thessalonians 3:3
The late Eugene Peterson voiced it this way in The Message: “But the Master never lets us down. He’ll stick by you and protect you from evil.”
If we can remember His faithfulness in the past and hold on to His promised faithfulness in the future, how will we live faithfully in the present? “Lord, I’ve seen Your faithfulness in my story. I hope in Your promise to be faithful in the future. So, I will ____________ today.” You’ll probably notice that your choice in that spirit and truth will be some act of worship. And, anytime we worship, God fights and we win.
And, if you need some help with that first step of worship, maybe an excerpt from a prayer the KLRC team has been praying together could give you a head start:
O Heavenly Father,
Christ the Son,
Holy Spirit,
Three in One,May Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.May You find in us the first fruits
Of the Final Harvest to come—
Hearts full of faith, hope, and love,
Mouths grateful and honoring,
Hands wiping tears and washing feet
With smiling compassion here and now,
A very present help along with You.Heaven on earth only You can bring.
May what You desire in our community
Be cultivated within and through us.Whatever may be lacking, be pleased to fill.
Whatever may be needed, be pleased to provide.
Whatever may be misguided, be pleased to steer.
Whatever may be tiring, be pleased to renew.
Whatever may be straining, be pleased to still.
Whatever may be dividing, be pleased to mend.
Whatever may be tainting, be pleased to cleanse.In the name of the Father,
In the name of the Son,
In the name of the Spirit,
Three in One, Amen.