One of my favorite movies of all times is “First Knight” where Sean Connery plays King Arthur. There’s a scene where an enemy of Camelot enters the throne room and confronts the Knights of the Round Table. Not backing down to his threats King Arthur proclaims, “There’s a peace that’s only to be found on the other side of war. If that battle must come, I will fight it!” You can watch the scene here. It’s powerful and less than two minutes. You should watch it… I’ll wait.
We all want peace don’t we? But at what expense? Are we willing to fight for peace? Or surrender for peace? Or give up what we want for peace?
Jesus told us in John 14:27 that He was leaving His peace with us. “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” Comforting words at first glance, but what kind of peace did Jesus leave with us? “My peace”, He says. So, what does that mean?
This is the same man who told us that trouble is a guarantee in life (John 16:33). That we are to turn the other cheek when we are persecuted (Mat. 5:39). That we are to go the extra mile (Mat. 5:41). Leave father and mother and follow God (Mat. 19:29). Lay down our own lives (Mark 8:35). Jesus tells us we are to trample serpents (Luke 10:19), cast out demons (Mark 3:15), and repent (Mat. 4:17).
The peace of God isn’t a “sit around and sing pretty songs in dimly lit rooms” kind of peace. No, His peace is an “other side of war” peace. We have to wrestle with God and with our own flesh to find the peace of Jesus.
I’d much prefer the peace that comes without a fight. But I have to admit, the sweetest moments have often happened on the other side of a battle.
Today, maybe we can pray for peace. And maybe we can pray for God to make us the kind of people who are willing to fight for that peace.