Wow, what an incredible week! We could not be more grateful. God worked through you, the KLRC listening family, to meet and exceed 100% of the Fall Fundraiser need and fully fund KLRC for 2023! We heard so many powerful stories, including from an anonymous donor in Winslow, AR:
Earlier this year, I got the call that my house was on fire as I was driving home with KLRC on the radio. I don’t remember what song was playing but I specifically remember thinking this is the exact song I need right now as I was crying out to God for everything to be okay. My family was safe, but we lost everything. Later that night as I laid in bed, the song "Gratitude" kept running through my head because all that I had was a hallelujah. God has been good to us as we rebuild. Without KLRC, I wouldn’t have the worship songs me and my family need to get through our hard times and even our joyous times. Thank you!
We are so thankful for the almost 1300 listeners and families who, through their gifts, are sharing hope with listeners when they need it most.
One of the most inspiring moments of the Fall Fundraiser had to be hearing from Stanton in Farmington. Did we mention that Stanton is 9 years old?
"I want to give a gift of $100 because I think KLRC IS AWESOME!!"
Thank you for sharing hope in Jesus! Let's keep making a Positive Difference together!
With gratitude,
The KLRC Team