We're more connected than ever. But somehow, also more lonely than ever. That person sitting next to you in traffic? The cashier at the gas station? Who knows what battle they're facing right now. We hear from so many people who are fighting to hang on in the midst of heartbreak. People like Candice.
"I lost my 4 1/2 month-old son last Thursday. He spent his whole life in the NICU. My mother had a stroke two days before and has trouble speaking. She only got to meet him twice. I'm lost and would like to hear 'Let me tell you about my Jesus, please."
God reached out to Candice in her darkest moment, through KLRC, to help her find hope in Jesus when she needed it most. And every day? Thousands of others, fighting their own battles, receive the same message of hope.
If you're already a part of Team KLRC, thank you for letting God use you to bring hope to Candice, and so many others. If you've never given before, would you consider becoming part of the financial support team? You can give online now.