How to Endure a Pandemic
Posted by Mark • March 23, 2020
Posted by Mark • March 23, 2020
Over these past few weeks we’ve been given a lot instructions on how to take care of our bodies, our neighbors, and our communities to try be physically healthy. We’ve had the reminders to wash your hands, check our temp, practice social distancing – all of them wise and right practices! But what do you do for your soul during a pandemic?
I ran across something this past week that just might be a good recipe for keeping a healthy soul during these difficult days.
May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 15:5
Did you catch the hope in that? When we are weary and worn out (parents home with kids, can I get an AMEN!?), God promises to be our endurance. When we are discouraged, afraid, and lonely, God promises to be our encouragement. When we are frustrated by close quarters and quarantine, God promises to help us live in harmony with one another. The key ingredient, of course, is Jesus. And the key result? Well, just like those voices we’ve seen belt out songs from balconies all over the world, we can become a living chorus that glorifies our Father with one voice!
I know these days are hard and full of uncertainty, but I also know if I practice caring for my soul as much as I’m washing my hands, my heart will be in a much better place.