I'm not very good at asking for help. Okay, fine, I'm the worst at asking for help. I come by it naturally, my family was filled with strong women who were fully capable of doing it on their own, whatever it was. Just the thought of asking for help makes me nervous. If something is on my plate that needs to be done then shouldn't I be able to do it on my own? 

I'd like to tell you that I used to believe that, but now I know that asking for help is an important part of becoming a mature believer. That asking for help doesn't make you weak, but makes you realize how much you are loved and how special it is to be part of God's family. But I can't, 'cause I'm not there yet. But I am learning.

"Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

When my husband and I first started dating this verse was one that God kept bringing to my mind. See, when you're single it's a lot easier to "go it alone" than when you're sharing your life and your home with someone. Was I really ready to give up being loved by the man God sent into my life just becasue I was too prideful to let him share the burdens of life with me? Was I willing to enter into a relationship where I wasn't brave enough to share the good and the hard things? 

Burden sharing creates intimacy. And if your goal is to keep people at a distance then I highly recommend never asking for help or sharing your needs. But... if you're brave enough to reach out you might just find more than a helping hand, you might find friendship. You might find people who love you for who you are and not what you bring to the table. You might find love and acceptance that's based on grace and not how impressive you are. 

At our wedding last fall, my husband and I promised to share each other's burdens. For me it's a promise to let him see all of me... including my weaknesses and shortcomings. It's hard. It's uncomfortable. But it's also good. When I invite others to step into the mess and be there with me it feels like Jesus is right there with us.

Life is hard. Sometimes the things we carry feel like they are going to crush us. But we were never called to carry every burden on our own. Let's share the load, shall we?


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