Have you ever read a passage of scripture and had a hard time believing it? Perhaps you’ve stood in church for a worship song or hymn and struggled to make yourself sing the words. Maybe you’ve even had the experience of listening to the lyrics of a song on KLRC and sighing to yourself, “I sure wish I felt that way right now.”
This week’s KLRC Words of Hope say,
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the LORD:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
He is my God, and I trust Him.
Psalm 91:1-2
Can I be painfully vulnerable with you? I’m having a bit of a hard time joining with the Psalmist in his declaration today. It’s been a challenging week – the kind that rather suddenly makes saying the words, “I trust Him” much less trivial. I know I’m not alone. Most of us can probably recall days, weeks, or even years (2020, anyone?) where we’ve questioned God’s plan for our lives.
But that’s the beauty of song and scripture that speaks truth: it facilitates our worship of a worthy God, even when we don’t feel like worshiping. My trust in God may flutter like a leaf in the wind, but through the truth of God’s Word and by the grace of His Spirit living within me, I will declare it anyway. He is capable of sustaining my faith, even when I am not.
And so... this I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge. He is my place of safety. He is my God.
I trust Him.