Why did you decide to give to KLRC? That's a question we asked every donor during the KLRC Fall Fundraiser this week. One listener from Grove, Oklahoma, told us that she gave because listening to KLRC changed her life and relationship with Jesus. Those words were echoed in one way or another by hundreds of others who shared hope in Christ through KLRC during the Fall Fundraiser. Each gift, each prayer, each encouraging song and uplifting conversation... it’s all about Jesus.
1121 of you pledged $551,384 to surpass the Fall Fundraiser Goal and fully fund KLRC for 2022. More importantly, your gifts will ensure that even more people have the opportunity to experience the hope of Jesus moving forward. Not only that, 200 women across our region will have the opportunity to see their babies for the first time via ultrasound through Loving Choices! Our hearts are full. Our floors are covered in confetti. And we look forward with great expectation of how God will use your generosity to share His hope with more people than ever before through KLRC in Northwest Arkansas, NE Oklahoma, and the River Valley... not to mention Real FM and the KLRC & Real FM Podcast Networks.
We are so grateful to every person who has ever given anything to further God’s work through the ministry of KLRC! We commit to you that as a ministry, we will passionately pursue the heart of God by encouraging and caring for our community, creating extraordinary experiences for you, and serving you through humility, gratitude, and stewardship.
You make it all possible. Thank you!