Jennifer's God Sized Dream
Posted by Keri • March 10, 2020
Posted by Keri • March 10, 2020
“My God sized dream is to be a mother. I grew impatient over the years thinking I’d be a mother within a year of marriage. It got really discouraging seeing family and friends getting pregnant for the first or third time while I stood on the side lines praying, hoping, DREAMING I’d be next.
I am very, very glad I made the decision to listen to KLRC yesterday and today, which led me to listen to this episode of More Than Small Talk and The Brave Place podcasts. Both have given me hope and a breath of fresh air. It’s extremely comforting knowing God is still pursuing me and He isn’t done with me yet.”
Jennifer sent this note to the More Than Small Talk ladies after listening to an episode on God Sized Dreams. God had a plan to encourage Jennifer that day and used KLRC and the KLRC Podcast network as His means of encouragement.
Jennifer has been a part of Team KLRC for a while now. She told us it’s important for her to support KLRC because God uses the station to encourage her every day. She also told us how thankful she is for you! Because of those who have supported KLRC for years we were able to launch the KLRC Podcast Network, and Jennifer wanted you to know how much your gift has impacted her.
Find out how you can join Team KLRC and keep encouraging Jennifer.