Kingdom Cultural Awareness
Posted by Dr. James Hawkins • June 24, 2018
Posted by Dr. James Hawkins • June 24, 2018
Many minorities in evangelical circles are trying to express that evangelicalism is now dominated by the cultural defaults, political defaults, and social defaults of the majority culture.
My experience and mentorship in predominantly African American church settings had a rich influence on me as a minister of the Gospel. My wife's input from her Jamaican culture helped edify me for ministry. My time spent learning and being mentored in predominantly white spaces has been enriching. Learning about the culture, history, and plight of Native Americans has spiritually impacted me. My time in San Antonio and seeing the communal life of Hispanics reminds of the book of Acts. Having brothers and sisters that love Jesus, but reside in different political camps keeps me aware that no political party in completely congruent with the Gospel. Being raised and mentored by strong women of faith reminds of the value my sister’s bring to the body.
There was a time I would have been blind to all of this and locked in my own cultural experience, but my life is richer for all of these experiences. Each experience challenged me and reminded me – we are members of a multicultural kingdom, we live in a multicultural world, and Heaven will be an eternal multicultural worship experience (Revelation 7:9).
Even if our respective churches are predominantly made up of one ethnic group, we cannot lose perspective of the beauty of God’s nature revealed in the tapestry of our diversity. The Biblical narrative is multicultural under the bond of the Holy Spirit in each child of God. Local churches will continue to thrive if they are led by the Holy Spirit, are aware of their cultural defaults, and are willing to adjust them to according to the leading of the Holy Spirit in order to live out the culture of God’s Kingdom here on earth.