I went axe throwing yesterday.
Yes, that's a thing that people do now. Like... for fun. And no, it's not something I ever pictured myself doing. But there I was, with a small sharp object in my hand, and a wooden target in front of me. Somehow, I was supposed to make the two connect. When our instructor demonstrated the technique for us, I'm pretty sure we all smugly thought to ourselves, "that doesn't look so hard."
Until, one by one, we hurled our axes at the wall and watched them clatter to the floor. Oh.
Over the next hour, we each adjusted our technique. One hand or two. A few inches forward, a few inches back. Some, like my husband, caught on quicker than others. It took him about two throws before he looked like he had been doing this since he could walk. (I’m sure fisher price makes kid safe axe throwing kits, right?) Others, like me, were a little slower.
But over the next hour, we all started to get a little better. It's amazing how gratifying it is when You finally get one to stick. You don't even care if it's anywhere close to the bullseye. Just getting it somewhere on the target is a win! Well, At least for most of us. Meanwhile, my husband got so many bulls eyes, he started trying for the little yellow dots in the corners that are worth 7 points.
There are many different techniques, but there’s one thing that’s a pretty non-negotiable part of axe throwing. Letting go. (Yes, go ahead, sing it with me! Let it gooooo, let it goooo!) If you never actually let go of the axe, you’re kind of missing the point. Yes, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll fail and it won’t stick at all. But if you decide it’s too risky to let go of at all, you’re going to be unnecessarily weighed down.
This is what I do with the things that keep me up at night. The things that worry and weigh me down. I hold onto them with a death grip and try to figure everything out myself. I’m afraid if I let go, it will all come crashing down. It’s too risky. And yet, letting go is the only way to grow my trust in God. Which is kind of the point.
The good news is, when I come to Jesus, I don’t have to do everything just right. I don’t have to make a bullseye every time, stand in just the right place, or say exactly the right words. The most important part, is the letting go. Giving my worries and cares to the ones who cares for me, and letting him take care of the rest.
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
1 Peter 5.7
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash