As he began sharing, our eyes locked and I couldn't look away. I was immediately drawn in along with the other KLRC members in the room. All of us were captivated. It was the raw honesty, sincerity, and vulnerability he had chosen to share with us. I hung onto every word while also struggling to hold back my own emotions as he shared his story. I was overcome by his faith, his strength, and his love for the Lord and his kids. Here he was, sharing with me…someone he’s never met…knowing his story will also be shared with you and thousands of other KLRC family members that he’s never met either.
Meet B.J. and his precious family. We first met him through a letter he wrote last fall during the Fall Fundraiser, and now we're sharing his story with you.
Thank you to all of you who generously give and support KLRC so we can keep sharing hope with B.J. and countless others in our community! We are honored that you are a part of our KLRC listening family.
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