"Promise you'll never leave me."
It's a question that's probably been asked a million times. I know I've asked it. And it has been asked of me. In sweet moments of love we may have made that promise. We may have held the hand of our child, or a friend, or a lover and whispered back "never!" But even as the words are coming out of our mouths we know it's a promise we can't keep.
We all leave... eventually. Sometimes relationships end leaving us heartbroken. Sometimes a move requires a once close relationship to become distance. And in the end, death will separate us all.
Being left by someone you love flat out sucks. So does having to leave someone you love. As much as we hate it, it is guaranteed to happen, with one exception.
"The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deut. 31:8
There is only one person who can make and keep a promise to never leave you. God is capable of keeping that promise. He is eternal. He is before all things and in all things. He alone has the power to be with us every moment of every day. But just because someone has the power to do something doesn't mean they are forced to do it. God doesn't promise His constant presence to us out of obligation, but out of desire. He chooses to make Himself available to us.
There's a difference between feeling loved and feeling wanted. God wants you! He enjoys having a relationship with you. You are not a bother to Him. He doesn't grow tired of you. There isn't someone else He'd rather hang out with. He wants you! He chooses you. And He promises to never leave you!
You are loved. You are wanted. You are secure. Always.