Power-Up Challenge Day 3
Posted by Suzie Eller • January 11, 2023
Posted by Suzie Eller • January 11, 2023
Welcome to Day 3 of the KLRC 12 Day Power Up Challenge! Over the next 12 days, we want to do some simple but powerful things together, like experiencing hope, engaging truth, and expressing love.
In Day 3's video, Suzie Eller, from More Than Small Talk and Prayer Starters, shares that we can express our love towards God through prayer. And your prayers don't have to be "perfect!"
Video Transcript:
One way we can express our love toward God and encounter his great love toward us is through talking with God. But can we be honest? Sometimes prayer can feel complicated. Maybe it's because someone told you it has to be a certain way? Or maybe you feel like that you need to be eloquent when in truth is you struggle to find the words, even for yourself, about how you feel in that moment.
One of the things that took a lot of pressure off of me was Matthew 6:8. Jesus is talking about prayer and he says to the crowd that God knows what we need even when we don't have the words. He knows what we need before we even ask. And that helps me because there's an invitation in that and it's in three words: just, show, up. When we create Sacred Space in our life in our busyness, in those hard places to just show up, God meets us there. And we don't have to have the words. Maybe we walk away having said all the words? Maybe we walk away just having experienced the presence of God? Both are beautiful! So that's your invitation and that's my invitation to express your love for God, to encounter his love for you. Just show up.
I'm Suzie Eller and I'm the host of Prayer Starters podcast with the KLRC Podcast Network. It's a drop of encouragement. It's a scripture and it's a prayer starter to help you get started in communication and connection with a God who loves, loves, loves you more than you can imagine.