Power-Up Challenge Day 5
Posted by Ansen • January 13, 2023
Posted by Ansen • January 13, 2023
Welcome to Day 5 of the KLRC 12 Day Power Up Challenge! Over the next 12 days, we want to do some simple but powerful things together, like experiencing hope, engaging truth, and expressing love.
In Day 5's video, Ansen and Chaplain Justin, share about understanding God more, communicating better, and going deeper in your beliefs.
Video Transcript:
Hey I'm Ansen from the KLRC Drive Home, this is Chaplain Justin, and we are here for the 12 Day Power Up Challenge. So let's engage truth! God has introduced himself to us. He's telling a story through creation and through scripture. We see that in Psalm 19. And of course, personally, and the most clearly in the person and work of Jesus in John 1. We want to listen and respond. And we want to seek to understand. And of course God always communicates perfectly but we often listen imperfectly. Sometimes we make assumptions about what other people are saying. Sometimes we make assumptions about what we're hearing as well. And more often than not, it is a good idea, it's worth taking another look... to take a closer look especially in those places that we don't understand quite yet.
God's word is living and active as we see in Hebrews 4:12 and so we might actually be pleasantly surprised in that place and might even emerge from that place refreshed. And we have a resource to help. It's called the Faith Refresh Podcast with chaplain Justin and myself and it's on the Real FM Podcast Network. Real FM is the sister station for KLRC. And on Faith Refresh, we talk about the Bible stories, the beliefs and the church practices, even the ones that we think we've seen or heard a million times... and we talk about those things in a little more detail and take a second look to see what we might have missed.
We'd encourage you to check it out on the Real FM app or at Real.FM.