Power-Up Challenge Day 6
Posted by Holly • January 14, 2023
Posted by Holly • January 14, 2023
Welcome to Day 6 of the KLRC 12 Day Power Up Challenge! We want to do some simple but powerful things together, like experiencing hope, engaging truth, and expressing love.
In Day 6's video, Holly shares about how to experience hope even when things haven't been going as planned. There's still a way to find the blessings!
Video Transcript:
If you are joining the power up challenge for the very first time or if you have been watching every day, thank you! Today I hope God can use this video to help you experience hope. I am Holly Hook and one of the hats I wear at KLRC is leading the Prayer Ministry.
When I think of experiencing hope, what better way than a prayerful relationship with God. It reminds me of one of my favorite stories about a group of friends that was planning a trip to Italy. They did everything they could to prepare for their trip except for one of the travelers deplaned and there was a sign saying, "Welcome to Holland." Things didn't go like she had anticipated. Her life had taken a very different turn she was sad and angry. And worst of all, all of her friends were in Italy.
Most of us have probably visited "Holland" in our life... For whatever reason, we're in Holland and we're discouraged and things just don't go like we plan. And friends, let me encourage you to not lose hope, but to find the blessings this year. Try your hardest not to grieve what didn't happen but to pray for what can happen.
Getting in the habit of praying is one of the best use of your time during your day. Let me read Philippians 4:6 - "Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your request to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. My prayer for you is that your 2023 will be prayerful and filled with hope. Pray without ceasing.