Power-Up Challenge Day 8
Posted by Justin • January 16, 2023
Posted by Justin • January 16, 2023
Welcome to Day 8 of the KLRC 12 Day Power Up Challenge! We want to do some simple but powerful things together, like experiencing hope, engaging truth, and expressing love.
In Day 8's video, Chaplain Justin shares how God's love for you is not based on your victories or your failures. He loves you no matter what and nothing can separate you from the love of God!
Video Transcript:
Welcome to another day of our power up challenge. Let's take a few moments to engage truth. Romans 5:8 says but God chose his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
I'd like you to know that God loves you. That you are dearly loved by God. And he doesn't just love you at your very best. In fact, Jesus laid down his life to love you at your very worst and at my very worst. It's so easy to judge ourselves by our Last spiritual victory, spiritual defeat, kind of like a religious roller coaster that in the end just makes us sick to our stomachs. But the true measure of our value, of our worth, is the love of Jesus that reaches up to the highest Heaven, all the way down to our rock bottom, in the shape of his cross.
So it's settled, it's a done deal. Christ purchases our final, there's no return policy. Nothing can or will separate us from the love of God. Let's live believing that, let's live walking in that. Let's live saying that, singing, "Jesus thank you for loving me and I love you too. I love you too"