Imagine a world where 1+1=0
Project Zero believes that when one child finds one family there will be zero kids waiting for a forever home. Project Zero has a goal to deliberately and purposefully pursue out-of-the-box ways to find forever families for kids in foster care who are waiting.
There are many ways that churches and individuals can connect with Project Zero to bring awareness to the issue of adoption in Arkansas. One way is through The Arkansas Heart Gallery. It is a collection of beautiful photographs of waiting children and teens, taken by professional photographers from every corner of our state. The Heart Gallery can be brought to your event so that attendees can be introduced to kids in care waiting to find their families.
And Project Zero connection events are great opportunities for waiting kids and open and approved waiting families to come together in a non-threatening, fun environment to interact and get to know each other. Every month, Project Zero hosts at least one connection event with the sole purpose of building hope in waiting kids and ultimately bringing them together with the right forever family.
These events are also a great time for volunteers to join us on the 'road to zero' and for individuals, businesses and churches to use their areas of expertise to pour into the lives of waiting kids!
Coming up in April Project Zero will host it’s first Be a Hero and Race for Zero event. This event is open to all families and will be a great way for the entire community to find out more about Project Zero and learn ways we can support them.
You can find out more about Project Zero and connect with them here.