Every generation is defined in part by specific moments or events that are so impactful, they change the way we see and interact with the world around us. It’s easy to focus on the challenges that come during times like this, but if you look a little deeper, you’ll see something really special. Do you see it? Even in times like these, there is HOPE! We’re rising together to overcome challenges because our hope isn’t found in the things we’ve lost during this time. Our hope – the true and authentic hope we’ve all been clinging to – is found only in Jesus. It is the very hope that we are called to share daily on KLRC, and you make it possible!
In March, we made the decision to postpone our on-air fundraiser. One of the core reasons we exist is to love and serve our community well, and we knew that fulfilling that mission would take 100% of our focus. Since making that decision, we have seen Jesus and His hope in the way you responded!
You’ve helped honor healthcare heroes and teachers each week, encouraged others through our “Say it Forward” campaign, delivered meals during Delivery Difference Day, and this month, you helped honor graduates through weekly on-air graduation celebrations! Plus, you’ve responded in special ways when we’ve used the platform we’ve been entrusted with to partner with outstanding local ministries making a Positive Difference, including Feed the 479, The Pack Shack, Kind-At-Heart, Faith In Action, NWA Gives, and Freedom 5:one, just to name a few.
We’ve also had the privilege of seeing firsthand how God can use one uplifting song or one encouraging conversation to change one heart at a time... even more so during a crisis. We recently had the privilege of hearing from Ashley, an ICU nurse working nights on the COVID-19 team at the VA Hospital. Ashley listens to KLRC on the way to and from her shift to get the encouragement she needs to pour all that she has into her patients. We’ll be sharing even more of these stories – stories you’ve helped make possible – in our rescheduled special fundraiser starting on June 15th as we celebrate the opportunity we have to Rise Together.
God has encouraged us so much in the way He has sustained this ministry through friends like you after postponing the spring fundraiser! I’m excited to share with you that 70% of the spring fundraiser need has already been met! The remaining 30% needed will help finish our fiscal year next month and keep the ministry healthy until our next scheduled fundraiser in October.
Will you take a moment right now to consider a special gift to KLRC for our special fundraiser in June? Your support and partnership is very much needed today and will ensure that the true hope found only in Jesus can continue to be shared with all who tune in during this time, include many for the very first time.
I just started listening to KLRC a couple of weeks ago. It is so encouraging! I can start to feel anxious during this season and KLRC helps put my focus back on Christ. I’ve even downloaded the app so I can listen at work.
Thank you for helping share hope with Ashley, Alyssa and so many others. We can’t wait to see how God will use your continued support through KLRC, Real FM, the KLRC Podcast Network, and a new signal in Van Buren/Ft. Smith (coming soon!) in the months ahead. THANK YOU for making your commitment today!