One of the awesome ways God uses KLRC is as a megaphone for the life-changing non-profits in our listening area! This year, we are excited to be partnering with Samaritan’s Feet.
Samaritan’s Feet serves and inspires hope in children by providing shoes as the foundation to a spiritual and healthy life, resulting in the advancement of education and economic opportunities. Samaritan’s Feet has a local office and works with children in Northwest Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma to provide shoes and socks to children living in poverty. Approximately 54% of children in Arkansas live in low-income families. That's over 360,000 kids! I witnessed this first-hand during my teaching days in elementary classrooms. Many children come to school in worn-out shoes, or even shoes that are too small because that is all they have. By working with school counselors and social workers, Samaritan’s Feet is able to identify and provide a new pair of durable tennis shoes and socks to children in need. Since 2015, Samaritan's Feet has served over 12,000 people (predominately children) in our state alone!
This year, as part of KLRC's Spring Fundraiser 2018, when a new donor joins the KLRC monthly support team for the first time at $30/mo or more, an anonymous donor will pay for a pair of shoes and socks for a child in our community. Later in the year, donors will be invited to participate in a local shoe distribution!
But Samaritan’s Feet not only provides new shoes, but something a little more personal. Buckets of soapy water and towels are supplied to volunteers to wash the children’s feet.
Can a new pair of shoes really make a difference? You betcha. Just ask any third grader! Thank you for considering going ALL IN with KLRC as we partner with Samaritan’s Feet this fundraiser to provide soles for souls.