Spiritual White-Hairs
Posted by Mark • May 24, 2020
Posted by Mark • May 24, 2020
We lost another one last week. One of those servants of God (some called a “humble giant”) who lived enough life to see God show His faithfulness over and over again. Last week Ravi Zacharias lost a battle with cancer but gained the reward he spent his life telling people about. Sitting on debate stages with brilliant minds from all philosophies, he defended the truth of a God he both understood and experienced. I’m so grateful for people like that, men and women who have lived enough life (often showing the evidence with that graceful white hair) to experience the promise of Isaiah 46:
I have cared for you since you were born. Yes, I carried you before you were born.
I will be your God throughout your lifetime—until your hair is white with age.
I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.
Isaiah 46:3-5
I’ve had a few of those “spiritual white hairs” in my life. People God has placed in my journey who have the perspective to show me what I can’t always see. During this pandemic, I’ve appreciated them even more. Amidst all the phrases like “unprecedented times,” they have lived through enough hard stuff to know God faithfully shows up. So when I’m tempted to think we’ve somehow stumbled into uncharted territory that just might be too big for God, those wisdom-bearers remind me that He’s carried His children through some pretty difficult seasons throughout history.
This week I’m asking God to help me be like those "spiritual white hairs." The ones with the long-haul perspective that know this is just another chapter that ends with more incredible stories of God’s grace and faithfulness. Hang in there friends, and when you are tempted to worry, may God bring a white-haired gift in your life!