There are few creatures on this earth that have perfected the art of rest like cats. I mean, it’s called a “cat nap” for a reason. When a cat feels safe they’ll stretch out in the sun, belly up, in a state of complete relaxation and bliss. Or, if you’re one of the chosen ones, they might just curl up in your lap and emit a magical sound called purring. I’m convinced if I could speak cat this would roughly translate as, “Jesus loves you. So chill out, human.”
Easy for you to say, cat. I feed you and scoop your litter box. I buy you cat treats and warm fuzzy beds. I provided a safe place for you. Meanwhile, I’m over here frantically trying to construct my own shelter. To find a place to put all my insecurities. All the things I don’t want anyone to see. All you need are a few planks of perfectionism, a carpet of comparison, and a couple of swags of shame. Wait, why do I want to live here again?
I often forget that shelter has already been offered to me. A better one than I could ever create for myself. Jesus is the only shelter where I can truly find rest from all my striving, and all my shortcomings. I look at my cat, curled up on my lap, and remind myself that I too am I am loved and provided for. It’s safe to come out, because the Most High has given me shelter in His love. And it’s here, I find my true rest.
“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91