Real deep.
I have kept my face glued to my screen(s) over the last weekend, my heart breaking. I don’t know of a better analogy for human fallenness than a peaceful event turning violent due to the sin nature that we all wrestle with. Fear, anger, racism, and confusion. We as a nation, as believers, as brothers and sisters, are walking through the deep waters right now. And in the face of the chaos, we still have this hope:
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. Isaiah 43:2
Your aching heart is valid. Your anger and confusion is warranted. Join me in lifting it all up to our Father, who, at the beginning of time, saw this moment with us. He is still very much here, and my prayer for all of us is that His love will be made known through our lips speaking up for the oppressed, our feet walking out the principles set by Jesus, and our hands reaching out to help our neighbors.
The waters will continue to rise, but our hope remains.
Stay safe, and know that you are never alone.