Where Am I Looking?
Posted by Isaac • March 1, 2021
Posted by Isaac • March 1, 2021
Through this difficult year, I’ve tried to pay more attention to… what I’m paying attention to. I hope that makes sense. I like to think I’m a pretty observant person, but all too often that “superpower” of noticing the little things comes with a darkside. If I don’t watch myself, I can pick out the flaws, the danger, the negativity in almost anything. If you asked me to give you a comprehensive list of all the bad things that happened, or even could’ve happened in the last year, I’d just ask how much free time you have… because it’d take a while.
I’ve had to make a change-or should I say, “I am actively in the process of making a change” on where I look now. Both in the physical, and spiritual sense. Hang with me here:
I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:8
“I will not be shaken.” Oof. That’s a big one for me. I can’t speak for you, but over the last year, it’s felt like I’ve been strapped to one of those paint shakers like you see at hardware stores. The unpredictability of life coupled with my running list of all the things gone wrong has left me, well, shaken.
I’m tired of being shaken. I’m tired of my gift of observation serving my discomfort and complacency. I’m choosing to keep my thoughts and observations elsewhere: on what God is doing, the truth and assurance that I have through His son, Jesus, and where my story fits in the bigger picture of serving Him through serving others. Like Mr. Rogers said, I’m looking for the helpers. I’m using my eyes to see the evidence of a God at work, even in the middle of the hardship that so many are going through.
Maybe you’re like me and the influx of daily information has you shaken. Adjust your focus a little. Ask yourself where your eyes have been. Ask the question “where is the light here?” and be open to the possibility that the light is supposed to be you.