A young Josiah Queen, only 9 years old, attended a young adults’ conference with tens of thousands of believers in Kansas City, accompanied by his parents. Amidst the buzz of the event, he encountered God for the first time, and his life was completely changed. After this event, Josiah recalls having the desire to write his own worship songs.
Josiah felt an undeniable calling to share the songs that he wrote in his bedroom with the world. Social media platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram became his stage, and his music resonated deeply with hearts far and wide. With each upload, a community blossomed, drawn to the authenticity of his verses and the sincerity of his devotion.
As an independent musician without a record deal, Josiah Queen stands as a testament to the power of dedication and the resonance of a harmonious melody. His journey, crafted with faith-filled lyrics and heartfelt melodies, is an anthem of authenticity and devotion.
Josiah’s music bridges the gap between humanity and divinity, inviting all who listen to encounter the character of God. His verses serve as a conduit for connection, inspiration, and divine harmony, reflecting his unwavering commitment to both his music and his faith. In a world yearning for truth and meaning, Josiah Queen’s melodies offer solace, purpose, and a resonant reminder of the extraordinary power of faith-fueled music. Josiah and his wife, Trinity, travel together and share the gospel.
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